Neel K.Thomas Alva Edison and his contributions to science and technology (Part 04)# Edison`s services to the nation and formation of the modern General ElectricJun 9, 2021Jun 9, 2021
Neel K.Thomas Alva Edison and his contributions to science and technology (Part 03)#The invention of kinetograph and KinetoscopeJun 8, 2021Jun 8, 2021
Neel K.Thomas Alva Edison and his contributions to science and technology (Part 02)# The invention of the electric bulbJun 8, 2021Jun 8, 2021
Neel K.Thomas Alva Edison and his contributions to science and technology (Part 01)# The Early DaysJun 7, 2021Jun 7, 2021
Neel K.inAnalytics VidhyaSurprise Test Deep Learning ModelMachine learning models like other software are vulnerable to wrong outputs and adversarial attacks. It is quite necessary to check for…Mar 31, 20201Mar 31, 20201
Neel K.inAnalytics VidhyaGenetic Algorithms for OptimizationGenetic algorithms have gain popularity recently owing to its similarity to enetic evolution and use in optimization techniques. Prof John…Mar 28, 20201Mar 28, 20201
Neel K.inAnalytics VidhyaAn insight to BERT AttentionsWhen someone is asked to find an answer to a question from a book, we search in a planned way to jump directly to answer instead of…Feb 4, 2020Feb 4, 2020
Neel K.inAnalytics VidhyaAI-Technologies for HealthcareArtificial Intelligence is steeply covering all public sectors with its wide application and deep understanding algorithms. The current…Dec 10, 2019Dec 10, 2019
Neel K.The depiction of Women on Social Media (Womanification…!)Nowadays, where women are having a lead role in many positions throughout organizations and businesses. Their contributions and importance…Nov 30, 2019Nov 30, 2019
Neel K.World Towards Atheism:The Perception of the Evolution of mankind on this earth has always been a debatable topic. This thought is aesthetically evaluated based…Nov 26, 2019Nov 26, 2019