The depiction of Women on Social Media (Womanification…!)

Neel K.
3 min readNov 30, 2019

Nowadays, where women are having a lead role in many positions throughout organizations and businesses. Their contributions and importance on social media are highly conclusive. This trend is often observable in many themes such as an advertising industry for attraction, usage of social platforms and women empowerment drives. In our oppressed the social order, social media is becoming a platform for social empowerment. Women have been given a new space to share and communicate their views. This virtual space gives its power by separating itself from the real world, where women usually face the real challenges of eve-teasing, stalking and harassing.

Some-Old Advertisements, Portraying women in the last decades

Many campaigns for promoting sales and trends are raised using a feminist icon owing to the womanist nature of social media. Indeed, this lead is on account of individual invisibility, lower wage and marginal status of women within every industry. In addition, social media is emerging as a very powerful tool in raising your voice. The effect of pressuring women with domestic limitations is nearly mitigating. In the near past, where the social contribution of women was almost invisible, now has turned up to be more significant than men. This arranges a new social equilibrium for gender equality.

According to an American survey, Women are accessing these social media platforms more than men do. Truthfully out of six social media networks, women are significantly in abundance on Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram, and Twitter. Women are playing an activist role in social media. They utilize it more and participate more than men are practicing. It is therefore believed that they will mark trends from now on since women have classically improved more and better to the technology.


This is the ultimate result of the technological development of smartphones which makes it easier to access the internet. On the other hand, this results in making women a bigger share of the consumer market in almost every industry. They have the power to choose, or at least influence, almost anything, such as technology, cars, medicine, tourism, beauty, household items and items for children. Consequently, brands increasingly turn their eyes to women and try to appeal to them and possess their keen interest. Beauty product market which is a billion-dollar industry is entirely covered by feminist magnet due to its consumer market. This pops up the importance of women and their engagement in promotion drives.

Use of Tweets and posts from Social Networks to campaign Advertisements

This trending social media carries along with great opportunities for gender parity and women’s rights. Though, the extent to which social media can advance these issues in terms of policy manipulation and decision making remains unclear. Recent cases in Asian countries where ordinary women’s networks have led to actual changes in laws and standards, and the fact that women are more social media users, reflect the potential of social media. In addition, many women, particularly in developing countries, still do not have access to these information technologies for political and economic reasons, such as public infrastructure, lack of opportunity and oppression.


Society is strongly influenced through social networking sites, chats and other applications through which one individual can connect well — off to anyone across the planet. The conversation and discussion services allow women to participate in these talks and sharing resentments. Furthermore, the way we communicate has been changed considerably by information technology. We once had restricted surroundings earlier to share and discuss the issues. But the evolving media system offers a new form of communication in which everyone in the world can speak. Many people can now listen to the problems and feelings of humans. This revolution is quite more beneficial to women especially in socially suppressed regions of the country.

