Towards Atheism…..!!!

Neel K.
9 min readNov 26, 2019

The Perception of the Evolution of mankind on this earth has always been a debatable topic. This thought is aesthetically evaluated based on one`s culture, religions, and society. Where there is an inherent war between all believers of a different faith. A recent transition towards science and logic is a more provoking thought for humans around the world.

All Religions around the World

This period is one of the best periods that ever happened-on earth, we have massive discovered resources, prospective technology, a wide database and a record of a longer history of human observations and experiences.

Psychologically, hope is a relieving medicine to humans for their worst times, this created the notion of the existence of God among ancient Greeks. Their faith gave birth to many questions about the presence of several gods, their powers, authorities, and appearances. This gesture created an early age of theism where different areas on earth started idealizing their Gods to smooth their beliefs.

Why too many beliefs?

The majority of religions have discriminations among their crude theories, this is not only limited to monotheism (One God) and polytheism (Many Gods) but also on their practices of daily life. The most common thing among these faiths is self-acceptance of being only true faith. Apart from this commonality, these all faiths have common perceptions regarding heaven and hell, to penalize and incentive the action of the believers and stick them to the path. In general, this business has core values of fear and greed to regularize their societies.

Excerpts from History:

The greed of Power & Possession has been intrinsic to human nature from stone ages. This notion has led to disputes and fights among societies on account of deviation in their faiths, a million times in history. These wars are either intra-faith or inter-faith. The world has lost more humans in religious wars than any other cause including incurable diseases. Let’s have a look at some examples from recent history.

1. Polytheism vs Christianity: Religion was used as a tool in the Roman empire. Kingdoms were only considered stable if they had support from the Church. Churches used to drag dynasties by issuing a card of a declaration against other kingdoms, promoting hatred among societies and resulting deaths.

2. Christianity vs Islam: In the early eleventh century, Byzantine Empire (Christian) & Ottoman Empire, with an Islamic State Ideology hosted many Christians with Orthodox beliefs safely in their empire but at the same time they had strong grudges against catholic Christians of Europe. This battle is famously known as “Crusades”, where Christ wars resulted in 3 million death. Consequently, pushing back human growth and the world economy.

Blood by Religion

3. Judaism vs Christianity: The Holocaust was a religious incident that happened during WW-II. This conflict was initially was a result of the difference between social mindsets (Communist and Socialism) but expanded to the religious apocalypse. In Germany between 1933 to 1945, Jews were prosecuted and killed based on their faiths. Subsequently, wiping out 6 million people and 1.075$ trillion-dollar (14.63$ trillion) economy across the ball.

4. Islam vs Islam: Ottoman Empire made a religious council (Shyk-i-Islam) in 11 centuries to run Islamic doctrine and follow shariah but unfortunately it turned to be obnoxious to their kingdom. Plenty of times this council issued judgments that concluded in the downfall of the Ottoman Empire. This council banned the use of Printing press because it was a discovery of Non-Muslims, prohibited society from adopting technology, participated in political engineering by choosing caliphates of their personal choices. During the 12–14 Century, three biggest Muslim dynasties existed and controlled the biggest chunk of world Economy namely the Persian Empire, the Mamluk Rule, and the Ottoman Empire. Council of Shyk-i-Islam periodically issues fatwas again them to provoke Turk to attack and keep control for no apparent reason. Mamluk Empire reached its end by the Ottoman Realm which tones of casualties.

5. Buddist vs Islam: Mongolian empire was undoubtedly one of the biggest and faster-growing empire lead by Buddhist methodologies. During the Seige of Bagdad (1257), The Grandson of Ghengis Khan, Halaghu Khan emerged to conquer the Muslim top metropolitan city, famous for education by a conquest. The prime issue in Baghdad at that time was whether eating CROW is Lawful (Halal) or Unlawful (Haram). Around 1 million people perished from the earth with a loss of a similar number of books in the world`s Biggest Library of that time.

6. Hinduism vs Buddhism: In Mayura Dynasty, King Ashoka started a war with Buddist in Kalinga which lead to the death of more than 100K humans in 262BCE.

7. Zoroastrianism vs Buddhism: Zoroastrianism was declared the official religion of the Persian Empire in ( 224 CE) and lately they implemented their religious rules and prosecuted Buddhists having the conflict with their practices.

8. Islam vs Judaism: The Arab Israeli War 1948 -1982 was an apple of discord between Palestine Muslims and Palestine Jews initially. It turned to religious debates and results in unions of countries angry to destroy mankind for the sake of their faith. This was costed around 100K human causalities and 4$ Billion USD (Equivalent to 25 $Billion today). This is an alive issue in Muslim World till now.

Rise of Art & Sciences:

During the Medieval Ages (500–1500) Europe suffered plenty of losses & instabilities because of religious & cultural denominations. It is also knowing as a dark age in human civilization. It gave birth to the age of renaissance where the transition towards the art and modern sciences began. It was a time where people moved to a new sect inside Christianity, namely protestants. This period gave many wonderful scientific laws such as Boyle`s Law, Charles` Law, Dalton Theory of Partial Pressure, Bohr`s Atomic Model, etc. Ultimately, creating a framework for scientific and logical mindsets in society.

Picture taken from Google Images

This golden period started in Florence, Italy. This was the time when many artists, writers, mathematicians & scientists like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo inspired people. This intellectual base showed humanity a newer approach to nature and its existence. This was strongly opposed by all poles of religions including the caliphate of Ottoman Turks and Pope of Church. The intuition may be to keep control of the public mindset by stopping them to think freely.

Contemporary Period in Religious Societies:

Growing science was supposed to be the new start-up and ground for a more developed civilization by introducing and ease and logical attitude in daily lives. This attempt could only have been successful if this art could easily be spread around the globe but reproducing the copies of books was quite an expensive and hectic task. Only city cathedrals and Palaces used to have libraries that were not accessible by a common man.

1. Printing Press: The first printing press in 1440 was invented by Johannes Gutenberg, this was a revolutionary invention to create copies of articles in a faster and economical way. The first thing that Gutenberg printed was a copy of the Bible. Unfortunately, Pope and Caliphate of the biggest religions of the time issued pronouncement and declared it Unlawful (Haram). This paused the growth of mental attitude in the Ottoman Empire and Eastern Europe for Centuries. Protestants of western Europe (England, Germany, and France) declined this religious assignment and started using technology in their daily lives. It can be seen even nowadays that how western Europe leads in technology and development comparative to Asia and Eastern Europe.

2. Colonialism: British controlled India and many other colonies in Asia and Africa by free-trade deals. British were secular generally and more biased to science rather than Religion. Jamaat-Ulma-e-Hind (Islamic Theoretical Council) declared a pronouncement(fatwa) for all Muslims of India, asking them not to add English, Western Culture and Non-Continental food in their life. This prevented Muslims from over a century to gain an education in English. Factually, All research and modern science was the production of the west and were available in English Only. The outcome can be analyzed by counting the top positions of Fortune-50 Companies around the globe with South-Asian Muslims individuals.

3. Space Exploration: After the WW-II, superpowers set their new goal of controlling the world by capturing space and flaring their flags on the planets of Solar Systems. US`s Appollo Mission and Russian Luna were leading the chase. In 1969, Appollo 13 was the first one the Astronaut Neil Armstrong to walk on the moon. Later in 1973 Luna 15 successes as well. Interestingly, Islamic Councils globally started opposition space mission and declared it unlawful for Muslims. Conclusively, there is no biggest space agency in Muslim Countries across the globe.

4.Digital Tech: Moreover, Similar pattern of rigorous religious assignments are being followed in developing countries where the use of Block-Chain technology such as Bitcoin is listed forbidden, The Cow pee is decided to be beneficial for health in India. While Killing people based on sects is declared correct in many others.

Charles Darwin`s Book (Cover from Google)

5. ADAM & EVE: Charle`s Darwin wrote the book on Origin of Species after a lot of research which opened new chapters in Biology, Medicine and Taxonomy. It gave two hypotheses about the Theory of Evolution and Theory of Natural Selection. After this remarkable achievement, he was penalized by the church instead of being appreciated. His theories opposed all religions by quoting the real story behind human evolvement from Mono-Celluar Structure. With super-technology, It is recently proved correct by genetic Engineering that all humans share 99.5% similar DNA, which means we all belong to ADAM whereas 99% and 73% coincides with chimpanzee and banana respectively.

Sad Realities of theism:

Furthermore, recent centuries has inspired people a lot and induced a Scientologist approach in society. People have gained a lot of logical understanding and started questioning their religious guides. Afterward, Priest, Pandit, Maulvi, and Kohen have started linking religions to science. They start intersecting science with religious verses and proclaiming it to be taken from their manuscripts. Remarkably, they assert that scientific discoveries are taken from their books where ever it matches and declares it wrong when it turns apart. Many religious scholars can be seen to follow similar practices just because they find science more factual and convincing than their thoughts.

Duality of Beliefs

Several people argue that science is often wrong because it comes up with new theories denying the support of their oldlings. Figuratively, Science concludes based on research, deductions, and experiments. If current findings are more meaningful then they are supposed to be correct. There is no rule of thumb like theism that things fixed thousands of years ago will remain true for all ages later.

All religions support Darwin`s theory of evolution for stating that we all have similar DNA which means we came from one Man. Contradicting with its second claim that we have a second strong match with Chimpanzee. There is no scientific evidence of the presence of God, Heaven or Hell. Science follows intellect whereas religions follow predefined rules. People opposing science nowadays are heavily benefiting from it in their everyday life by smartphone, applications, medicine, Wifi, and the Internet.

Finally, Alcohol is generally prohibited beverages in all religions which has positive effects on the body if consumed moderately and cleanly. On the other hand, smoking has no stopover it which hazardous effect on the lungs and there is a lot of research on lung cancer with smoking as a prime reason.


